How well do you know your skin?
10 June 2019

How well do you know your skin?


Do you really know your skin?

When it comes to our own skin, we seem to think we’re on top of the game. Surely we know everything that’s going on with our skin. When we see shine on our faces, we immediately look for products that are for oily skin, only to find out much later on that the products aren’t exactly working out for you. Don’t blame it on the products.


Blame it on wrong self skin diagnosis.

Knowing your skin takes more than just looking at yourself in the mirror. It takes a real understanding of our skin structure and a much deeper insight into the cause and effect of the problems that arise. While there are a few basic skin type categories to give us an inkling of what we may be dealing with, it’s not definitive. Most if not all, may have combination skin types – dry with an occasion of acne, oily and dehydrated, acne-prone and sensitive, to name a few. So when it comes to your skincare regimen, you may have to mix and match your products – it is no longer just one type or one range. For your combination skin condition, you may need to apply IDS Skincare Pore Formula on your T-zone and IDS Skincare Intensive Moisturizer increase hydration for the rest of your face.

So to avoid making the same mistakes, it is time to see a skincare professional to have a proper assessment. If you don’t want to make an appointment with a skin doctor just for that, the next best place to get your skin check is during a facial treatment. At IDS Aesthetics, first time customers who are unsure, can check with the therapist on the skin condition to get advice on a suitable facial treatment.

Bottomline: don’t assume, just ask when in doubt.


Find IDS Aesthetics:

8 Sinaran Drive, #05-07 to 08,
Novena Specialist Center,
Singapore 307470
Tel: 6568 3559
Opening hours: 10am – 8pm (Mon– Fri),
10am – 5pm (Sat)


@Robinsons The Heeren
260 Orchard Road
Singapore 238855
Tel: 6365 2969
Opening hours: 11am – 9pm (Daily)


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