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[ Janel Ku ] My IDS Journey: Hydro-Therapeutics Facial Treatment: Bye To Blackheads!
06 October 2021

Hey hey everyone! I'm back at IDS for my second session (pssst: facial time!)


First up, for some of you who may have missed out on my first visit to the IDS clinic, check it out here as I am seriously in love with their skincare range! 


As my main issue was clogged pores and black/whiteheads, Dr Michelle Wong suggested I do the hydro-therapeutics treatment, which I did. I am also glad to announce that with daily usage of their skincare line, my skin have improved by leaps and bounds, despite it being close to just a month! 


The results are really amazing, and many of my colleagues were unable to tell that I wasn't wearing foundation at all (which says alot, haha!)






We started off with double cleansing before doing a microdermabrasion on my skin. This was followed by an ultrasonic cleansing extraction - and oh boy - I was super glad that this was not overly painful (I  have had other facial sessions at other places which hurt me so badly I ended up tearing throughout!).


I was thankful that this procedure was not very painful. Thereafter, I relaxed with a vitamin C mask application, supposedly a potent solution that whitened and brightened my skin! As I was heading out after the session, my therapist also ended off with their tinted sunscreen to protect my skin. 


Everyone deserves to have a healthy and glowing complexion. And while there are many ways you can achieve this, the Hydro-Therapeutic Facial is one of the most effective and personalized treatments that will not only make your skin glow but also give it some much needed love! 


(Continue reading to view my bare-faced photo after the facial)



Here are some quick notes to the benefit and procedure of this popular facial at IDS!



  • Crystal clear skin
  • Unclogged pores
  • Cellular regeneration
  • Increase collagen production
  • Reduced lines and wrinkles



  • Double cleansing
  • MDX (microdermabrasion) / HydroD (water dermabrasion that includes use of multi minerals solution)
  • Ultrasonic cleansing
  • Extractions
  • Ultrasonic penetration of vitamin C
  • Mask – whitening, soothing or anti-acne
  • Moisturizer
  • Sunscreen



Some thing I would like to share with y'all beautiful people... (TLDR version below)


In a hot climate like Singapore, our skin is more sensitive to dehydration, which can cause premature aging. Facial treatments will help to hydrate your skin and make it look healthier. 


Facials can also reduce and prevent acne outbreaks, tighten pores, inhibit oil production in the skin’s sebaceous glands reducing shine on the face (especially helpful if you have oily or combination skin), increase collagen production in the dermal tissues for firmer-looking skin, stimulate cell turnover for more youthful-looking tissue which will not sag or wrinkle as easily.


In addition, our poor skin is fighting off free radicals all day, every day. The sun produces free radicals, as do cigarette smoke and other pollutants in the air. And then there is the pollution produced within our bodies from things like stress and bacteria. All of that adds up to an unrelenting attack on your skin’s cellular health.


And if you're like me, plagued by clogged pores, it might seem like the only way to release them is to squeeze them out. This is what I used to do. 


BUT! If you haven't given up on squeezing your own pores, you should probably stop! 


Squeezing blackheads can lead to acne scars or permanent skin discoloration, and potentially spread the bacteria that cause acne! Yikes! 


The truth is that squeezing your own blackheads can be a very risky endeavor in terms of both an increased risk for acne scarring on your face and possible infections if you’re not careful.


There are many, many reasons why you shouldn't squeeze your blackheads: you risk infection, it may worsen your acne problems and it won't help to get rid of the junk in the pore. 


TDLR: Don't squeeze your black/whiteheads by yourself!



Back to the treatment. 


Overall, I was very pleased with this facial treatment, which lasted one hour, as it helped to unclog my pores (much needed indeed!). This is truly important, as the unclogging of pores also helped to boost the efficacies of the skincare product, as it helped in the overall absorption and really cleared my skin up! 


I am very pleased that I am able to step out of the facial place barefaced (and just with sunscreen, say what?!) haha~ I also loved that my pores were cleaned, without red patches all over, which usually is the case after I leave other facial salons or after I choose to DIY at home (yikes, again, horrible choice to DIY, folks).



For more on this treatment & to book an appointment, head over to this link:


Till then, I'll update you all with the final part 3 after my next visit! 


You can visit for more about their products or if you wish to know more about their treatment that can help your skin!


xoxo, Janel




*Credits to Janel Ku

Visit Janel Ku's blog post here.

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