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[ Sally ] Review: My IDS Journey – First Consultation and Product Review
09 June 2021

One of the feelings I love most in the world is driving out on a sunny weekday afternoon to a posh, elegant salon with relaxing music, to pamper yourself. I’m very thankful to have built a life from scratch at such a young age where I have the luxury of time and money and the energy to enjoy it both! So after a particularly hectic week, I was certainly excited to embark on a new skincare journey with IDS Clinic!



Speaking about skincare journeys – I think I’ve had a relatively average adventure with my skin. Apart from a huge red monster that grew conveniently on the tip of my nose on the first day of secondary school (which landed me with the nickname Rudolph), I have had relatively few outbreaks thanks to my dry skin. My skin condition is pretty median too – no translucent, porcelain skin but nothing good makeup couldn’t cover up.


But now as I near the dreaded three-oh, my dry and sensitive skin is a bit more of a source of concern for me. Signs of ageing are surely and slowly catching up from my carefree, sunblock-less softball days & I just want to make sure my skin is nice, plump and moisturised for the next stage in life.



One problem I have is whenever I do try to force my skin to drink some damn water, it will promptly turn on me with a few well placed cystic acne spots, usually in my lower jaw-chin area and my forehead. Laser has been serving me well but I also am troubled about my enlarged pores around my cheeks and minimising my occasional hormonal acne to, well, nothing.


So armed with my skin concerns, I breezed into IDS Clinic Novena in a sea of posh clinics and had my first consultation!


I love how attentive Dr Ian was in prescribing the best products for my dry, sensitive skin. I never really had a proper sit down skin analysis, more of just judgy facial aunties bemoaning my lack of care. He efficiently prescribed the relevant products catered to my skin type and I also like that there is a systematic and logical approach to my daily morning and night skin routine that makes it easy for me to stick to.


We discussed about my rosacea and occasional cystic acne, and he re-emphasised the need for moisture and sun protection for my poor skin. To reverse some of the damage I have already wrecked on my skin, the good doctor prescribed:



1. Delicate Cleanser C2

Pump a coin size onto your palm, add water and lather. The suds are light and smell deliciously like ginger – most importantly it does the job. It may have deep cleansed some of the underlying sebum from my skin because I did have some cystic acne after my first few washes, which is common for me when I change a product. I’m still waiting for it to clear, and just nice, I have the next part of my skincare journey with IDS to look forward to – my facial!


2. Delicate Toner T2

It comes in a spray bottle which makes it a breeze to apply and I love love love the soft floral scent! This is supposed to be slightly drying and so I was not recommended to use it daily – but the rebel in me still applied it everyday anyway. #yolo


3. Recovery Serum RS

Serums are my fave – lighter than moisturisers so less prone to cause breakouts but still feels like my ideal plump nourished skin.


4. Moisture Boost MB

A cream moisturiser – not my fave but a necessity.


5. Non-Tinted Sunscreen S2

SPF50 ++ physical sunscreen so it wouldn’t react with my sensitive skin – it does have a white cast but I enjoy feeling like my skin isn’t absorbing it!


6. Dermashield Mask DM

This unique mask is made of 3 different layers of silk cloths to reinforce protection from blue-light. It contains one of the key ingredients, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, that helps prevent blue-light damage to our skin. This marigold extract (Calendula) is known as an anti-inflammatory and/or a wound healer. It contains lutein which filter as much as 90% of the high-energy, wavelengths of blue-light from the visible-light spectrum. Cool cool cool – I’m using it now as I type this.



My problematic skin has reacted as expected with some lurkers surfacing within a week of using the products religiously. I’m still sticking with the regime because I love the smells and to see if my skin improves after the initial detox. Fingers crossed! I must say, my favourite IDS products are the recovery serum RS which makes my skin feel soft, hydrated and supple and also, the delicate toner T2 because it smells absolutely wonderful and is very light for my skin.


All in all, I waited about 25 mins for a 5 min consultation and about 20 mins for them to explain the products and get the right products packed up for me.


I am looking forward to my next step – a facial with IDS, and just right before Chinese New Year too!


You can visit for more about their products or if you wish to know more about your skin!




*Credits to Sally

Visit Sally's blog post here.

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