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[ ShuQing ] IDS Journey: Hydro Therapeutics Treatment at IDS Aesthetics
10 August 2021

I made my second visit to IDS for doctor review and a pampering facial that I am in need of. 


With the heatiness that has accumulating in my body due to having too much Chinese New Year cookies, it resulted in skin breakouts recently. During my consultation with Dr Michelle Wong, she assessed my issues and prescribed me a new product, Blemish Clear (BC), to be incorporated into my night skincare regime. Dr Michelle has also recommended Hydro Therapeutics Treatment (HTT) which will help to clear up my skin.


Shortly after the consultation, I was led to IDS Aesthetics who offers medically and technologically advanced treatments targeting at our skin woes within shortest possible time, and brought into one of the many rooms for my treatment. 
HTT is a quick 60 minute treatment suitable for all skin types, recommended for people with clogged pores and blackheads. The deep cleansing treatment removes accumulated dirt, product build-up and clogged sebum, giving us a crystal clear skin after the treatment.
The facial treatment started with Double Cleansing to remove the dirt and sebum on my skin. 


Next was Microdermabrasion which make use of a gentle vacuum device to suck out the dead skin cells on the skin surface and minimise clogged pores, to prepare my skin for the extraction. No discomfort experienced.
It was followed by Ultrasonic Cleansing to exfoliate, loosen the stubborn blackheads and whiteheads stuck in the pores, the treatment was gentle and comfortable on skin. I was silently hoping that this could be longer because i was dragging the process coming up next. 


The Extraction was the only part that I have to endure the pain throughout, no complain on that because the end result of the extraction will be a clean skin and clogged pores are removed.
The tough part was over and time to truly enjoy the facial. The therapist used Ultrasonic Penetration of Vitamin C, allowing my skin to absorb the Vitamin C essence for skin soothing, healing the blemish and promote skin radiance.
As my skin is prone to acne, the therapist applied a cooling anti-acne Mask. The mask was freezing cold because the mask was taken out from the fridge. It was very cooling but comfortable, it helped to soothe and nourish my skin, reduced the redness from extraction and keep my skin hydrated.
The facial ended off with the application of Moisturizer and Sunscreen. My skin felt clean after the blackheads and whiteheads were de-clogged, immediately my skin looked refreshing and oil free. 


With the new Blemish Clear being prescribed to me, there is a change in my night skincare regime.
Current night skincare regime:
Step 1. (C1) Refreshing Cleanser
Step 2: (T1) Refreshing Toner
Step 3: (PF) Pore Formula
Step 4: (C+) C-Plus
Step 5: (OM) Oil-Free Moisturizer
New night skincare regime:
Step 1. (C1) Refreshing Cleanser
Step 2: (T1) Refreshing Toner
Step 3: (C+) C-Plus (Change in sequence from step 4 to step 3)
Step 4: (BC) Blemish Clear (Replace with Pore Formula which will be used in the day regime)
Step 5: (OM) Oil-Free Moisturizer
(BC) Blemish Clear
This product is suitable for people with active breakouts and blemishes. It helps to treat active and inflamed pimples and prevents new breakouts. BC has a more creamy texture that should be applied only on affected areas. 
BC definitely helps to control my acne breakouts. I did not experience new breakouts and current acnes are healing. My skin also get less sensitive as compared to using the previous skincare regime.
After going through the facial and incorporated the new skincare regime, I noticed the visible red spots are becoming smaller after 2 weeks of following the new skincare regime. Will show you the result for the subsequent weeks in my next IDS post.
I enjoy going facial once in awhile. Not only because of the pampering treatment, it helps to deep cleanse my skin, eliminate the blackheads and whiteheads (clean pores), allow new skin cells to grow and better absorption of skincare products.  
You can visit IDS Skincare website for more about their products or IDS Aesthetics website if you wish to find out more about the different types of facial treatment available!
Read here for past IDS journey:
IDS Aesthetics
360 Orchard Road #02-02, International Building 
Singapore 238869
This post is a collaboration with Studio 155 and IDS Skincare, expressed in my own opinion.

*Credits to Shu Qing

Visit Shu Qing's blog post here.

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